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Seeds Of Ancient Truth

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Our mission is to support, empower, and preserve the people, the lands, and the waters, maintaining the Tradition of Aboriginal Ancestral Lore.


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Indigenous land management for longer-term commitment, we welcome you to join the effort.


Our First Peoples Eastern Coast Australia History.

Wollumbin (Mount Warning) is a sacred location for the Ngarakbul Githabul clans in Northern NSW. In their language, their oral stories retell the mountain used as a marker for each creative evolution of creation. The walking track to the summit has been closed since the Covid Pandemic and recently was closed to the public permanently. The traditional owners had signs asking people not to walk the mountain and were relieved after a long fight to regain their rightful ancestral lands. And the closure and its efforts to the public were the same as the track up to the top of Uluru in 2019. These locations are shrines and holy with due respect.

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  • Old World Lore

    The content discusses ancient civilizations, celestial symbolism, and Earth’s energies, challenging traditional historical narratives. Researcher Hugh Newman’s work reveals the global presence of serpent symbols and Earth energy alignments. The text also criticizes patriarchal narratives and discusses the potential extinction caused by neglecting ancestral wisdom. The importance of traditional oral history is emphasized over mainstream…

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  • In the Beginning…

    The content discusses the Matristic Rainbow Serpent Culture, focusing on the significance of Alcheringa Island in East Coast Australia. It explains the cultural and geographical importance of the island in relation to the Rainbow Serpent’s creation lore, highlighting its sacredness and the ongoing struggle to preserve its authentic Matristic cultural association amidst administrative renaming efforts.

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